Sunday, July 22, 2007 

Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Inmates show their stuff!

I know this has been going around much, but I couldn't resist blogging about it. One, because I'm from Cebu and two, because I work closely with human rights and detention centers.

It is amusing to see these people given an avenue to showcase their talents, but in some way, I feel bad for the people who were actually forced to participate by wearing women's habits and acting as nuns. I bet the mayores or gang leader did quite a number with this. This is what we call in international law as "Cruel, Inhumane and Degrading Punishment or Treatment amounting or approximating Torture"... hehe.

This is a very cool post. Thanks to the dude/lady to made this video at the first instance. Good job.

Personally, I think that after having to go through shit like this, all these guys should be set free. Consider this parole for extreme cooperation and good behavior.

The original caption reads:

1,500 plus CPDRC inmates of the Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center, Cebu, Philippines at practice! This is not the final routine, and definitely not a punishment! just a teaser.

Sunday, July 15, 2007 

Sundown Caffeine, number 59 at the charts!! Keep the votes coming...

Sundown Caffeine's song Nine Rivers currently holds the number 59 spot at the BandPromote charts.

Enormous thanks to everyone for the overwhelming support. Please continue to lend us your ears and help us to spread Independent Filipino Music to the world.

Keep the votes coming!

Sundown Caffeine - tba
Sundown Caffeine Appears on the
Following Sampler(s):

Sampler #39 June 2007

Help us become the
Featured Band!
Total Votes: 1051
Current Rank: 59 of 515

Peace, Love and Respect from Cebu City, Philippines,
Sundown Caffeine

About this blog

  • Way too many of us are now enjoying the sorts of freedoms that our 1950’s counterparts couldn’t even have dreamed of. Hell, you couldn’t even read D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” back then: that’s how repressed things were! It’s easy to forget what freedoms we now enjoy, but we should try our damnedest to be aware of these freedoms, because there are a bunch of bastards on the highest rungs of the ladder who would like to deprive us of these freedoms. They’d like us all to be blind, unquestioning sheep - little cogs in the big machine that they control.
  • Personally, I try my best not to be part of that machine. In my mind’s eye the machine is the epitome of all evil and I don’t want to be either a little or a big cog in it. I don’t want to participate in the running of this machine and would, if I knew how, happily sabotage it. I don’t approve of war. I don’t approve of the economic exploitation of the third world. I don’t approve of social inequalities. I don’t approve of the environmental devastation of the planet. And I don’t believe the lies that are told to justify these actions.
  • - Dee Rimbaud

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