Monday, August 30, 2004 

On the merits of being a complete ass

I've probably spent more time being the target of much hate and irritation than is probably healthy. Not that I ever shy away from it. It sometimes even seems like I enjoy it.

It gets tiring after a while though. Soon you just need to plop down somewhere, have a drink, and vent with people you trust. I'm so glad the class (well, 1B anyway) has adjusted to my quirks, so I don't have to keep up the arrogant bastard thing going on all the time. It takes a lot of energy. (Yes, I know I'm actually really an arrogant bastard, but at least I'm an amiable one. ^_^)

Still, it pays to cultivate a reputation for speaking your mind. It allows me to say whatever I want, whenever I feel like it.

For example, there are some wooden poles that have to be extricated from some of my classmates' colons. A pole-ectomy. I realize it probably spells the difference between an 85.5 and an 85.4 on an exam ("I need the feel of wood in my ass to get that extra 0.1!"), but please! Lighten up!

Of course, I'M not going to do it. Can you imagine the crusty buildup on those poles, when you consider how long they've been up there where the sun don't shine? Eww...


From Hill Story to Bugoylandia

A while back, on the Hill where I used to hang out, a girl friend of mine brought her laptop and left it alone for an afternoon. My best friend, a frustrated writer, booted it up and started typing out a few thoughts about our gang on the laptop. I saw him do this, and I wrote my own entry. The Hill Story was born this way, a fairly long epic predating Blogger itself (which, incidentally shows you how old I am) that spans one very long communal journal (which is still on my hard drive to this day), one short-lived web comic, and three plays written by yours truly.

Sadly, it all ended when the laptop died, and everyone graduated. Well, everyone in the core Hill, that is. Without a way to enter posts from different locations (again, predating Blogger), and with everyone going their separate ways, the proto-blog simply couldn't continue.

Most of us, me and lastboyonearth included, remember that time fondly because it was a wonderful convergence of such disparate personalities that made for such interesting company.

Cut to today. Sure, the complete disregard for academic performance is absent, and the geek quotient is way down, but the bonding is there. Heck, the bonding is better. It ought to be, it's chemically-assisted!

I guess this blog started as maybe me hoping that I can bring the Hill Story back somehow. Or at least so that there'll be some sort of record after we're all done. But I think I should just let this thing be whatever it's going to be.

Anyway, welcome to Bugoylandia.


bugoy photo archive no. 2

From Fr. B's Christmas Gift, 2003: Paula was absent the day this picture was taken. Iya and I had to photoshop her in between JR and Carmen.

Moral of the story: always go to class. You never know when the class picture's going to be taken. Posted by Hello

Saturday, August 28, 2004 

Relational Aggression - The Facts

Relational Aggression - The Facts

I think people need to be aware of this. Some girls just never outgrow childhood, no matter how much they deny it. As for that matter, let's quiet it down. We don't need to spread fire when we can just as easily put it to an end.

Wednesday, August 25, 2004 

EdRo's Afternoon Delight

Afternoon Delight - Starland Vocal Band

This link comes in from EdRo, who says: ok pare, parang videoke. Perfect bed weather music.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004 

bugoy photo archive no. 1

From Mr. Law School 2004: Just in case the judges decided to take a potty break while deciding just who should rightfully be Mr. Law School, the two Trinas made sure they voted for the right candidate. (Photo by Mama Iya) Posted by Hello


Band of Brothers

It's painful to watch your friends go through a bad day in recit. It has been said that law school gives you this "brothers in the trenches" mentality, and when you watch a buddy get cut down by a professor just out to do his job, you feel that person's pain as if it were your own.

Today, one of the people in 2A (not a bugoy) got cut down. No one's going to talk about it later. I doubt if she'll ever bring up the topic. Some things are just better left unsaid.

On the flip side, Boado's going nuts. No one can get the answer he wants. Mama Iya finally got it, but you could tell Boado's exasperated at this point.

Flipped out question brought into the limited partnership quiz out of sheer frustration: Why does a limited partnership make an exception when it comes to death and its result on the termination of a partnership?

Monday, August 23, 2004 

(un)Dangerous Drugs - home page

I was brought here by alchemical, after a lengthy talk on the dangers of sex, drugs, and rock and roll.

Personally, I am amazed at the positive and negative effects of drugs. Like all things, drugs are inherently neutral. Whether they act as positive or negative agents are all up to us.

I am convinced that the listing in the Dangerous Drugs Act of 2002 is inherently oppressive and is without substantive due process.

I'm not advocating that people take Ecstasy, I'm just saying that we should look at our drug classification table with more scrutiny, and not just accept what the lobby groups say.

About this blog

  • Way too many of us are now enjoying the sorts of freedoms that our 1950’s counterparts couldn’t even have dreamed of. Hell, you couldn’t even read D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” back then: that’s how repressed things were! It’s easy to forget what freedoms we now enjoy, but we should try our damnedest to be aware of these freedoms, because there are a bunch of bastards on the highest rungs of the ladder who would like to deprive us of these freedoms. They’d like us all to be blind, unquestioning sheep - little cogs in the big machine that they control.
  • Personally, I try my best not to be part of that machine. In my mind’s eye the machine is the epitome of all evil and I don’t want to be either a little or a big cog in it. I don’t want to participate in the running of this machine and would, if I knew how, happily sabotage it. I don’t approve of war. I don’t approve of the economic exploitation of the third world. I don’t approve of social inequalities. I don’t approve of the environmental devastation of the planet. And I don’t believe the lies that are told to justify these actions.
  • - Dee Rimbaud

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