Tuesday, August 30, 2005 

Found on "The Pirate"

Sounds like The Pirate to me. :D Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, August 24, 2005 

Jupao and Kip

Men of Law
Photography and design by The Black Eagle
Copyright 2005


Kiko's Cake

Contrary to popular belief, you can actually have your cake AND eat it too.
Photography and design by The Black Eagle
Copyright 2005


Bye-bye caffeine, hello CX717!

Every time I have coffee, I end up swearing that I'll never have coffee again because of how lousy I feel when it starts to wear off. Sometimes you just need to stay awake though... Which is why this new drug fills me with hope. Reverses the effects of sleep deprivation!

...Too bad that by the time this thing will be released on the market, we'll have all graduated.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005 

Um, so drugs are actually good for you?

From the article on the treatment of Parkinson's Disease:

The authors tested a number of drugs at various doses and found that in addition to L-DOPA-related treatments, drugs related to amphetamine were effective in ameliorating muscle rigidity, tremor, and impaired movement in these mice. Most effective was methylenedioxymethamphetamine HCl (MDMA), commonly known as ecstasy.


Future work will be required to understand how MDMA was able to ameliorate the symptoms of Parkinson's in these mice and to assess the toxicity of MDMA and related compounds in greater detail in the future. However, this study opens the door to a search for compounds related to ecstasy, which may provide a more effective treatment in the later stages of the disease - and hopefully allow patients to perform the simple functions of everyday life independently again.

Er, party on, Parkinson's patients!

About this blog

  • Way too many of us are now enjoying the sorts of freedoms that our 1950’s counterparts couldn’t even have dreamed of. Hell, you couldn’t even read D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” back then: that’s how repressed things were! It’s easy to forget what freedoms we now enjoy, but we should try our damnedest to be aware of these freedoms, because there are a bunch of bastards on the highest rungs of the ladder who would like to deprive us of these freedoms. They’d like us all to be blind, unquestioning sheep - little cogs in the big machine that they control.
  • Personally, I try my best not to be part of that machine. In my mind’s eye the machine is the epitome of all evil and I don’t want to be either a little or a big cog in it. I don’t want to participate in the running of this machine and would, if I knew how, happily sabotage it. I don’t approve of war. I don’t approve of the economic exploitation of the third world. I don’t approve of social inequalities. I don’t approve of the environmental devastation of the planet. And I don’t believe the lies that are told to justify these actions.
  • - Dee Rimbaud

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