Sunday, May 28, 2006 

What you learn outside the classroom

The intrepid Ave demonstrates to Lem how to steal a newly-reconditioned Mini Cooper. Also looking on is The Pirate.

The car in the photo was never seen again. Posted by Picasa


Malakas Uminom

This picture was taken during the last finals at Cable Car in Makati. Apparently, this is how law students unwind after a long, hard day not at work (yes, those are one liter mugs of draft beer).

Not in picture: Dima, Pochoy, Chel, and Iya. Posted by Picasa

Wednesday, May 24, 2006 

The MOST racist laundry bar. Ever.

I just couldn't believe my eyes when I saw this detergent bar at the supermarket checkout.

Check this out: the person designing the packaging had the balls to announce that this particular brand of detergent (with Fabric Softener) is good for whites and coloreds. How about Hispanics and Asians like me, m*th*rf*ck*r?!?!?

WTF?!?!? Who uses the word coloreds in the 21st century? The idiot who did the packaging does, and I'm here to tell him he's a bleeding idiot.

Not only is this detergent racist, it's insulting to one's intelligence, to boot. It proudly claims that it has fabric softener included in the packed detergent, to make your clothes smell better.

I don't know about you, but from my use of fabric softener, it's primary use isn't to perfume your clothes. Also, since there's more fabric softener here than in other detergent bars (read: none), you get less bang for your buck per bar of laundry soap.

Last I remember, we use laundry soap in this country to wash dishes. What good is fabric softener in dish washing? At least your plates smell like they've been hung out to dry in some verdant meadow. Sheesh.

And they had the gall to rename the brand "advanced". Over what? The old bar, which they marketed as the cheap alternative to Tide? Maybe the word "advanced" makes people think that they're actually spending money on something chemists spend oodles of time over. These chemical engineers might actually have spent time and money on your laundry soap, but I'm betting it's spent on how to rip the consumer off more than these companies already have. Posted by Picasa


Trina's Birthday Bash Directions

Directions to Trina I's birthday this Friday, May 26: From EDSA (Northbound), take the U-turn after the Quezon Avenue Flyover. Make a right at Quezon Avenue and then right at Examiner Street (that's the street between Citibank and PBCom). At the end of Examiner Street, take a right and turn left at the Shell station. At the end of that road, turn right. When you see a Burger Machine, turn left. At the end of that road, take a left. Ask the guard there for further directions.

About this blog

  • Way too many of us are now enjoying the sorts of freedoms that our 1950’s counterparts couldn’t even have dreamed of. Hell, you couldn’t even read D.H. Lawrence’s “Lady Chatterly’s Lover” back then: that’s how repressed things were! It’s easy to forget what freedoms we now enjoy, but we should try our damnedest to be aware of these freedoms, because there are a bunch of bastards on the highest rungs of the ladder who would like to deprive us of these freedoms. They’d like us all to be blind, unquestioning sheep - little cogs in the big machine that they control.
  • Personally, I try my best not to be part of that machine. In my mind’s eye the machine is the epitome of all evil and I don’t want to be either a little or a big cog in it. I don’t want to participate in the running of this machine and would, if I knew how, happily sabotage it. I don’t approve of war. I don’t approve of the economic exploitation of the third world. I don’t approve of social inequalities. I don’t approve of the environmental devastation of the planet. And I don’t believe the lies that are told to justify these actions.
  • - Dee Rimbaud

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